Tuesday, April 26, 2011

And now, a quiz

Found this questionnaire on my LJ blog that I filled out 7 years ago. I decided to take it again and half of my answers have changed.

1. What time is it?  5:00p.m.
 2. Name as it appears on birth certificate: Crystal Ann Gleim
 3. Nicknames: Blondie, Chris, TAL, Bad Kitty, BK, Babblefish, Gabriel, Lunacat, Delirium, Michiru1978
4. Number of candles on your last birthday cake? 32
5. Pets: Ziggy (cat) and Sookie (cat)
6. Piercings: one in each ear (I’m so exciting)
7. Eye color: Brown
8. Hometown: Hummelstown, PA
9. Favorite foods:  Chicken, pizza, pasta, tacos, burgers, and French fries to name a few.
10. Ever been to Africa: no
11. Ever been toilet papering? Yes
12. Love someone so much it made you cry? Yes
, three times
13. Been in a car accident? Twice
 14. Croutons or bacon bits? Croutons 
 15. Favorite day of the week: Tie between Wednesday and Saturday.
16. Favorite restaurants: Bucca di Beppo, Cheesecake Factory, British Bulldog Pub, Gervais & Vine, Chilis, Pasta Fresca
 17. Favorite flower: Black roses, lilies, orchids, and birds of paradise.
18. Favorite sport(s) to watch: American Football, Baseball, Soccer
 19. Favorite Drink: Captain and Coke
20. Favorite ice cream flavor: I have two: Mint chocolate chip and Peanut Butter Swirl.
 21. Disney or Warner Bros?  Warner Bros
22. Favorite fast food restaurant? Arby’s, Chik-Fil-A
23. What color is your bedroom carpet?  Beige
24. How many times did you fail your driver's test? 1
25. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Either Best Buy, Barnes and Noble, or Frederick’s of Hollywood
 26. What do you do most often when you are bored?  Eat, listen to music, watch a movie, read or write.
27.  Bedtime? midnight
28. Favorite TV shows: Law and Order (any of them), Deadwood, Arrested Development, anything on Adult Swim, British TV shows....there are too many
29. Last person you went out to dinner with? Myself...I can't recall
30. What are you listening to right now? Music that’s stuck in my head. 
31. What is your favorite color(s)? Black, purple and teal.
32. How many tattoos do you have? None, but I have my design picked out

33. Time you finished this questionnaire? 5:09p.m.

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